

by - Thursday, December 19, 2019

I'm reading Ryan Agoncillo's lengthy instagram captions for his wife. Daymmm. They are the goal.

I'd do anything to find a life partner who I can spend long nights with discussing about dreams, ambitions, or anything under the sun that covers passions on anthropology, culture, history and my weird fascination with world war 1, world war 2 and Russian culture (recently, Romanov dynasty. Disappointed on the documentary series of Netflix, The Last Czar tho- seriously Rasputin was a whore. Lol), gotten over my Napoleon Bonaparte stage craze tho (he's one wacko dude, lol. 1 summer of reading intensively my European book). In summary, someone who can share these passions with me.

And the part where Ryan said they were laughing all night. This is why ain't gonna settle until then. Sad that my best friend of 8 years wasn't able to stay for that (my first time acknowledging the ex, lol), he would make me laugh so hard before an exam. Good days. Good days. I'm happy for him tho and heyyyy so over himmm.

I guess it's nice to be bestfriends with your life partner. I'm happy for Ryan (we're long long lost relatives tho since we also originated from Taal, Batangas) 😊

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