Courage, my Dear

by - Thursday, April 07, 2016

Some people only look at life through eyes that seldom gleam
while others look beyond today as they're guided by a dream
And the dreamers can't be sidetracked by dissenters who may laugh
for only they alone can know how special is their path

But dreams aren't captured easily;
there's much work before you're through
but the time and efforts are all worthwhile
when the impossible comes true

And dreams have strength in numbers
for when a common goal is shared
the once impossible comes true because of all who cared

And once it's seen as reality a dream has just begun
for magically from dreams come dreams
And a walk becomes a run

But with growth of course comes obstacles
and with obstacles come fear
but the dream that is worth dreaming
finds its way to the dear

And the dream continues growing
Reaching heights before unseen
And it's all because of the courage of the dreamers
and their dream.

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