by - Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GUILTY. I told myself to get rid of any distractions for the upcoming finals in 2 weeks, but here I am blogging. DISCIPLINE!

I guess I can't help it because I am so fueled with passion and inspiration which I haven't felt in the longest time.

At present, I am reading "The Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell, and THUMBS UP. Everything I every questioned about in my life is there. 

I will blog in detail soon. But one quick food for thought that I want to share in that book: "There is no direct correlation between intellect and achievement." You need a little bit more to excel. The ingredients for success is summed up in: passion, hardwork, talent, grabbing opportunities and entitlement.

Still in the first chapters but WOW... it gave me that extra boost to work harder in my studies :)

One quick advice for incoming medical students, don't let the day pass by without reminding yourself why you have chosen the path to become a doctor. Read inspirational books and fuel yourself with passion. Intellect, high IQ and high grades wouldn't matter that much in med school (I mean hello, will your patients ask you if you had high grades in med school?). Personal skills, compassion and personality goes a long long way, not just in med school but beyond this field we all dream of.

CHOW. :) Need to do my orthopedic paper :)

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